Professional Strength
- Will not yellow or lift
- Crack - resistant
- Self-leveling
For sculptured nails, tips & overlays. A Flawless finish with an enhanced powder that won't trap air.
Acrylic Powder: For use with Kiss Acrylic Liquid, Acrylic Primer, Acrylic Brush, File and Blocks
- Clean nails of any polish or residue with acetone nail polish remover.
- Gently buff nail surface with Kiss White Buff Block for maximum adhesion.
- Apply thin coat of Kiss Acrylic Primer to dehydrate nail and improve adhesion (Be careful not to get any on cuticle or skin.)
- Pour Kiss Acrylic Liquid into dappen dish.
- Dip Kiss Acrylic Brush into Acrylic Liquid and gently brush against slide of dappen dish to remove excess liquid. Dip brush into Kiss Acrylic Powder until a small bead forms at the tip of the brush.
- Beginning just below the cuticle area of the nail, place the acrylic bead mixture onto nail using a press and pull motion, covering the entire nail surface. Remove any acrylic that gets into your cuticle or skin with manicure stick.
- Repeat steps 2-3 until the overlay is level, smooth, and has desirable shape. Let dry completely.
- Use White Buff Block to smooth and finish.
- Apply top coat.